We support people in distress to reach their desired health goals. 

Your Leading Destination for Wellnesss in Lebanon

Your trusted destination for holistic well-being. We are dedicated to support your journey in living a healthier, happier life. 

In today’s fast-paced stressful world, taking care of your body has become more challenging than before. We understand the importance of self-care that’s why we have carefully chosen modalities from Eastern & Western culture, and integrated them into our treatment to achieve faster results. 

We believe that the body has the ability to heal itself. Due to physical stress, malnutrition, lack of sleep.. It becomes stagnant and need a little push to reopen the capacity for healing.  

Our goal is to address the underlying causes of your health concerns rather than treating symptoms. Whether it’s slow recovery or struggling with losing weight.

Message from the Founders

“Primal7 is a transformative manifestation of my past health struggles” 

At a young age, I was diagnosed with a chronic illness that affected my physical, mental, and emotional health. 

Solving the issue wasn’t easy since conventional treatments weren’t effective. Doctors insisted on taking meds, but I always felt worst after taking them. My sports performance was limited, recovery was slow t. I couldn’t even find the energy to go out and socialize with friends and family. 

So I started looking for answers to overcome my problem in a natural, safe way, without the use of any drug or pills. 

It took me years to figure out how the human body works and ways to support it. The treatment modalities used in the clinic will save you some time and start felling better. 

Imad Naassi
Physical therapist/ certified breathwork healer

It all started way back when I was 12 years old, my father suffered a major injury in his spine. He was paralyzed for almost 6 months. He started doing physical therapy  few weeks later.  I got inspired by their work to help him walk again and get back to playing his favorite sports “tennis”. I come from an athletic family where I learned the importance of recovering the body after an intense workout to prevent risk of injuries  and increase workout performance.                                                                                                                   

These 2 major experiences allowed me to value my health and invest in it to help me achieve my goals. I want people to come to a center where they can find real solution for their problems, a place where they can heal mentally and physically, to feel safe and turn their pain into happiness,                                                                                                                                          that’s why I created Primal7.

Jad Naassi
Physical therapist/Healthcare Consultant

Embark on Your Wellness Journey Today.

Take charge of your well-being with our comprehensive consultation process. Our dedicated team is here to guide you on your path to a healthier lifestyle. Through personalized consultations, we gain valuable insights into your unique needs and goals. Together, we’ll design a tailored plan that aligns with your aspirations, ensuring lasting results.